Tuesday, October 12, 2010

An interesting thought...

I heard something the other day:
Faith is the belief in something that is not based on fact, and since God knows everything, He cannot have faith. And because God is the highest power, He can not believe in a higher power. So, conclusively, God is an atheist. 
Now, please don't go off on a rant about how I must be an atheist, or that I'm going to Hell for believing this, or anything else. I don't want to start a religious battle; I just thought this was an interesting point of view *shrug*.
So hello to my numerous and splendiferous fans! How are you this fine day? I'm doing quite well, in case you're interested. I suppose I should take this time to let you know more about Yours Truly. I'm 20, about to turn 21 (but I don't take much stock on drinking). I am an actor, a player of the stage, and I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else. I love it. For all you lonely guys out there, sorry, I'm madly in love with my boyfriend; for the sake of confidentiality, let's call him Brennen. We've been together for a little over 3 years, and we're not slowing down any time soon. I live in SoCal, and I love it. I highly doubt I will move away at any time. Unless there's an invasion of 1930's Nazis. Or an impending meteor shower. Or both. Or if I get a really, REALLY tempting job in New York. It would have to be SNL or something like that to get me to move somewhere where it snows for half the year. Not that I don't like snow, but a girl who grew up in the desert area (120 degrees in the summer) can only take so much.
I'm not very politically active. I should be, but I'm not. For some reason, I don't care to know President Obama's every move, or which country hurt what country's feelings. I just feel like there can be so much activity, drama, and stress in my own life, why do I need to add more by reading the paper every day? Maybe after I get out of school, I'll be so bored with no homework I'll have to resort to the news. Until then, I'll be self-absorbed and concentrate on keeping my life as hectic-free as possible. 
Speaking of which, not much is going on in my life right now. I'm acting in Equus as Dora Strang. I've never had to play an uptight religious person before, so it's a work in progress. But I definitely think I'm getting the hang of it. I need to do more research and thought about the type of person Dora is, so by the end of this, I will be able to portray her very well. All in all, I am very excited to be involved in this play. 
Maybe next time I'll have something a bit more interesting for you all to read. Oh, also, I'm thinking about turning this into a video blog! Thoughts? Comments? Let me know!
Adios, nicole.


  1. That's just bananas!
    The rant was a dandy read too though.
    Doodooleedoooo -the more you know-

  2. i agree, i like the video blog idea

  3. this was interesting too :)

    can't wait to read more from you, and a video blog would be cool too!
