Thursday, October 14, 2010


Alert the media!* Our society has an obsession with beauty! Holy Crap!!!*****
So, it's not any surprise that our society has a very tight, specific, cookie cutter idea of beauty. Because of fashion models and Photoshop, women are expected to be extremely thin, while men are required to have washboard abs. People put their bodies through torture via liposuction, facial reconstructive surgery, breaking legs to become taller, surgery to change the sound of your voice, and even aesthetic genital surgery... "designer vaginas", if you will. Can't you just picture it now? Swarovski Crystal Lined Labias! Vera Wang Vulvas! John Deer Trimmed Bikini Areas? Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
Anyways, we all know that whenever we open a fashion magazine, all we see is skinny women Photoshopped into perfection. There are even places like this that endorse anorexia.

Now, I'm not saying that skinny women aren't real women; do you have a vagina? Then you're a woman. Neither am I trying to say that they aren't beautiful.Thin women have an air of delicacy and grace. I have often caught myself envying thin women because of their "fairyness" as I call it.
Wow, she could definitely afford to lose a few****
But there's nothing wrong with curves either. Women with curves are just as beautiful. It really comes down to personal taste to decide which you prefer. I would place myself in the "curves" category. My measurements are 36" bust, 27" waist,  38" hip. Do I think I'm fat? On good days like this, no. Of course, I have my days when I feel so bloated or insecure that I feel like I'm an oversized blob of blubber. But almost every woman has those days. Truth is, I've finally come to a point in my life where I can look at myself and think I'm beautiful.
Do you think these women are fat?

Being able to call yourself beautiful is the most wonderful feeling in the world. It's like a huge weight is lifted off your shoulders (haha, puns). I struggled with it for years, mainly because I had curves in 6th grade when most girls are stick skinny through most of high school. I went through being teased for my boobs for years (I'm talking like 4th grade [yes, I had to wear a bra in 4th grade, and not a training bra either] through 6th or 7th grade, until they finally became objects of envy). These years of torment scarred me and left me feeling overweight when I wasn't. Pair that with our society's obsession that ONLY skinny women are beautiful, and if course I was doomed for an eating disorder.
Life is much better now. True, there are still things about my body I would like to change, of course, but we're all our worst critics. And this is not only for women, but men too. You think men aren't insecure about themselves? Shiiiiit, man. Of course they are! Everyone is affected by Greek God and Goddess advertisements. It's not fair to anyone to shove one concept of beauty down our throats. A lot of people take the stance that magazines should only portray curvy women, which isn't right either. What we need is variety.

Ta-ta for now, nicole

PS, Happy 38 Months, Brennen. Love you.


  1. I really liked this. It was very open minded, and honest. And also, you can break your legs to get taller?! i, uhm, i....i would never do that. nope. (:

  2. I get off to women with curves. Imo, they're the hottest!
    Also, I'm not entirely appalled by the idea of a diamond-lined labia. >.>
