Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Body Functions

So I did something really stupid the other morning. It's slightly embarrassing, and I mulled over whether or not to write a post about it for a couple of days. Lucky for you, I decided to endure the ridicule, and share my adventure with you.
I didn't have to be up terribly early, but there was a thunderstorm that woke me up. It was still fairly early (like, 7:30ish), so I tried going back to sleep. While I was laying there, I had a gurgling in my stomach that turned into a bout of flatulence. In other words, I let out a huge fart- and why shouldn't I? Despite the popular belief, girls do pass gas, and even *gasp!* poop. So with that relief having taken place, I embarked on my way back to dreamworld, snuggled up in my heating blanket and comforter.
Unfortunately, within 20 seconds of this, lightning accompanied thunder, and the bright flashing made it hard to go back to sleep. I normally keep an eye-mask next to my bed for such occasions, but this morning, it was nowhere (near my bed, at least) to be found, and I didn't want to get out of bed to look for it.
Now here comes the stupid part:
I turn over towards the wall, and pull my comforter and bed sheet over my head to block the light.
Oh. My. God.
I must have been at least 3/4 asleep to forget that less than 15 seconds ago, I broke wind underneath said bed sheets. Not smart. The stench was fairly horrible.
Needless to say, I quickly retreated from within my stink infested, light blocking fort, gasping for clean air. And, again needless to say, I became far too awake to go back to sleep.

Adios, nicole

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