Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mind vs Body

So, I've been realizing something more and more lately: My body is calling out for children. Every time I see a cute kid on the street or television, I say something stupid like "That is such a good looking child; I hope my kids are that good looking," or something like that. Especially little boys... for some reason I have a tendency to want a son. It's weird. Every time I think or say something about wanting kids, I stop myself and wonder why I just had that notion, because I really don't want children yet. I'm only (6 days short of) 21. I don't need or want kids for about another decade.
So my mind and body are fighting with each other about this subject matter. You see, my body is very impulsive, and it feels that I'm now to the age where I should be having kids. Maybe it has to do with so many people in my family having kids at around my age, maybe it has to do with the caveman instincts- you know, where so many ancestors did or felt something, and somehow through DNA or genetic whatever, that same action or feeling gets passed on to you. But whatever the cause, I'm happy that my mind isn't putting up with my body's bullcrap. My mind knows that I would make a horrible parent right now. I would grow to resent my children for taking my youth away from me. I want to stay young and free for as long as I can.
Body: Psssst, Nicole.... Hey, see that toddler over there? The one with the dark brown curly hair? Look how cute he is. Your kids will have dark curly hair, I know it. Isn't he adorable? Doesn't it make you want to-
Mind: Stop! Stop right there! Body, we've had this discussion. Nicole, sure he's cute, but think about all the crying, screaming, pooping, and sleepless nights his parents have gone through to raise him. Are you ready for that? I think not.
Body: Mind, listen... She doesn't have much time left. She's not a teenager anymore. She's only got 252 eggs left in her. Every month, she loses one- whoops, make that 251. You see?! Time is ticking! Pretty soon, she won't have any left, and she won't have passed on her lineage.
Mind: I'm not listening to this. If I let you have your way, she'd have 8 kids by the time she's 30-
Body: Only 8?!-
Mind: -and I won't let that happen. She won't end up a shriveled up, bitter old woman so long as I have a say in it.
Body: Fine. Let her become a lonely old maid. Pft. See if I care.
Mind: I won't let that happen.
~1 day later~
Body: Hey Nicole, look at that baby over there. Or even better... Look at that chocolate cake his head is next to...
Mind: Goddamnit, Body!

Bye bye, nicole

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